Posts Tagged‘London’

Have you ever wanted to explore a vibrant city full of fascinating history, unique culture, and boundless opportunities after recovering from a procedure at Northwest Surgery Center? Then it’s time to book your tickets for…

While there are many modern attractions and things to do, there’s no denying that many of London’s top attractions have been around during the many centuries of its existence. From its many royal palaces, to…

From Madame Tussaud’s to the London Eye, here are the top tourist attractions in London other than the Big Ben Clock Tower. Most of these attractions are free, so add on a stay at one…

church in london

As the Christmas season and the New Year festivities have been and gone, now would be a perfect time for you to take a weekend break to our fair capital, to spend some quality time…

London on a sunny day.

Although London is one of the most fascinating and captivating cities in the world, it also happens to be one of the most expensive. If you add up the cost of accommodation, activities and entertainment,…

Beaches in England

When people travel to England, it’s usually synonymous with one destination, London Town. Why? Same reason people go to NYC; it’s a travel hub, has more to do and experience than one human being can tackle…

Sunday Markets in London

It’s hard to say why I like London markets so much. They are just markets, you can hang out there, meet with friends, have some food and drinks. For the last two years, every time…

With almost 50 countries, it would be near impossible to visit every capital on the continent. So which ones are really worth checking out if you can only explore a few? Well are five capitals…

When it comes to nightlife in London, the city is probably best known for the pubs that adorn what seems like every street in the city. British licencing laws mean that a lot of them…

Rapid transit has been improving commutes since the late 1800s when the first steam railways were built. The underground Tünel in Istanbul, built in 1875, is one of the earliest known subways. The London Underground…

Snakes on Back

When it comes to youth and beauty, lots of people are willing to go through many an extreme treatment in order to improve their looks. Of course, many people are just looking for ways to…

If you’re visiting the UK from overseas, you’ll be forgiven for assuming that a pub and a bar are much the same sort of establishment, since both are social places that serve alcohol. However, there…