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good motorcycle for the Mae Hong Son Loop

I just completed the Mae Hong Son loop, a bad ass 600 km, 4 or 5 day road trip (depending how fast you want to go) in the mountainous province of Mae Hong Son in…

mural in mexico city

Updated May 28, 2019 When it comes to Mexico City, there are a lot of preconceptions and false truths. If you ask someone what they know or think about it, you’ll probably get, “dangerous, dirty,…

When people talk about Miami, you often only hear a few things – vacation,  partying, sun, Latin culture, etc. While Miami is most definitely all of the aforementioned things, it wasn’t just dropped out of…

room at Ruby River Hotel, Siagon, Vietnam

When it comes to traveling, one of the biggest problems is finding decent accommodation without bursting a budget. I’m currently on a 6 month trip and pretty much refuse to stay in a hostel dorm…

old center Mostar,Bosnia

I just turned 26 years old, that means I was born in 1987 –  quite the year. Gas only cost 89 cents/gallon, Alf was straight killing it and Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in one of his…

volcanic coastline in the azores

Encompassing 9 islands (small islands) in the middle of the Atlantic, The Azores are a pretty remote place. One that most Americans, minus the few in the Greater Boston Area have ever even heard of. Why did…

After reading an article in USA Today…today, about how Mexico is spending $30 million on an ad campaign to bring back its favorite American tourists, I thought I’d do my part and help reiterate the…