Browsing CategoryColombia

Romania is one of the cheapest countries in the world to visit

Traveling the world doesn’t always have to break the bank. There are plenty of destinations that offer rich cultural experiences, stunning landscapes, and delicious local cuisine without costing a fortune. In this article, we will…

This is a guest post from Jake Nomada of Nomadic Hustle. Colombia. One of the most beautiful, yet most misunderstood and stereotyped countries in the world. Sure, you can find Caribbean beaches, good looking women,…

Digital Nomads

The location independent landscape that we know is significantly developing as more and more individuals trade in their office jobs each year for remote working opportunities in pursuit of the digital nomad dream or just…

cityscape of Laureles, Medellin

Introducción en Español: Este fue mi tercer viaje a Medellín, Colombia. Para mí, Medellín es una ciudad especial. He escrito este blog para compartir algunos de las razones que Medellín tiene el poder para seducir…

Getting acquainted with the top things to know about visiting in Antioquia will not only make you smarter and more in-the-know, but also prepare you for your trip to this beautiful area in Colombia. Located…

Being that I live in Miami, it is actually easier and often cheaper to travel to Latin America than back home to Philadelphia (and why the hell would I want to go back there in…

After just spending some time in Baguio City in the Philippines, which rests at an elevation of 1450 meters (4760 feet), I was intrigued to see which were the highest capital cities in the world. So…

When it comes to going on dates while traveling, I can say I probably have more experience than most. Whether it be strolling down the cobblestone streets of central Mexico with a local in hand, or riding…

Remote Tribes People

It’s hard to imagine that there are human beings on this earth who haven’t ever had a burger at McDonald’s, made a call on a cell phone or even heard of Twitter. While the earth…

One thing I’m trying to do more of this year is experience a little more adventure travel. Sight seeing is cool for a while and museums are good for rainy days, but I miss a…

Factory workers in Bogota

I love Craigslist.  While it still looks like it was designed by some amateur in his basement in 1998, it has provided me with a wealth of opportunities from furnishing and renting my apartment, endless fun…

When on a trip to Bogota for work, I was first introduced to a social system I had no idea existed, one consisting of 6 strata that basically define where you live, where you work, who…