Posts Tagged‘The Philippines’

Manila, the Philippines was at one point known as, “The Pearl of The Orient”. It has a storied history of over 330  years of Spanish rule, 50+ years of formal American imperialism, a few years…

Most people don’t go to the Philippines to enjoy the quaint, pedestrian-friendly cities (because they don’t exist). In fact, the cities in the Philippines are pretty much a nightmare minus a few areas in Manila…

A guest post from Derin Clark. Forget crazy locals, crime and dingy hostels; some of my most life-threatening travelling experiences have involved road trips. In fact, it’s much easier to compare flight tickets, hop on…

Beaches in Thailand

If you have been keeping up with me for the past two months (come on, I know you checked in at least every of couple days to see what I was up to…right?), you would…

Basketball hoop on a tree

If you’ve ever been to The Philippines, you probably noticed pretty quickly that the Filipinos are freakishly obsessed with basketball. From the traffic clogged streets of Manila, to the most provincial islands and villages, you’ll…

Rob Schneider in Surf Ninjas

Inspired by my favorite movie growing up, Surf Ninjas (starring none other than a young, half-Filipino Rob Schneider), I decided to do some research where in the Philippines I might be able to continue my quest…

So it has almost been a month since I left sunny South Florida and headed to Asia. So far, everything has been great and I’m still enjoying my time in The Philippines. To date, I…

Alaska Air Plane

When I decided to go to Asia a few months ago, I was only confronted with one major problem, shelling out for the hefty ticket!  I’ve been to Europe a few times, and I’ve managed…

Huge Tree

You read right. This crickety 25 year old went tree climbing. No, not up the 20 ft. tall sapling in my mom’s backyard, but to the king of trees, one 600 years old and the…

Dog Shit

I have been having amazing “luck” recently while traveling. It is if the planets align, the stars shine bright and Mother Earth does her part as well, sort of. For some reason, every time I’ve…

From the US to Asia

If you were a  consistent reader of The World or Bust (yea you should be), you’d see that most of my travels over the past two years, while frequent, last for just about two or…