I never thought it would be me…I don’t know how it happened but I’m there, Starbucks. You know, that guy, that weaselly little yuppie you hate on his laptop. Sipping his Latte lethargically as he pecks away at his blog or browses NPR’s website to regurgitate others’ witty worldly introspections. I want to justify my presence here on account of the free Wi-Fi but it’s just an excuse. I wanted a taste of America’s not best brew. I guess it’s just a comfort thing. WELL

Things are still very good. I decided to stop taking Spanish classes for my last two weeks. The second week of lessons was me just talking to the teacher the whole time so I figure I can save the money and spend it at the bar or traveling and talk to people for you know, free. I feel I have actually learned a lot in two weeks believe it or not and am confident I can learn on my own at this point. I went on a couple little side trips within the past week. 1 to Tequisquiapan, a very small city an hour east of Queretaro and San Miguel de Allende, a moderate sized colonial city that my eccentric artist grandfather dragged my mom and co. to for a year in the early 60’s. It was really a beautiful place, but I saw too many American couples in their late 50’s enjoying themselves on what could may have been their last great journey. I like being the only American around, it makes me feel like I discovered something new.I guess if I actually think thats going to happen I’m going to have to go to Saudi Arabia or something. Tomorrow I’m headed to a city called Guanajuato. It is 2 hours north of Queretaro and is a labyrinth of tiny streets and brightly colored colonial buildings. I’m starting to feel wierd in here so I’m gonna get moving. Until the next post…