Many people have admitted that the coronavirus pandemic has thrown a monkey-wrench in their health and fitness goals. Abbott gym-goers have had to cancel their memberships as many fitness centers remain closed. Lockdowns, remote work, and distance learning have resulted in families sitting in front of a computer screen or on the couch for hours each day. Developing stories of chaos and drama has even caused some to turn to comfort foods that only pack on the pounds. 


It’s clear how recent events can cause you to adopt a sedentary lifestyle and fall far from your fitness goals. Be that as it may, sticking to this pattern of living can harm your physical and mental well-being. There’s also the fact that the worse your health is, the harder it is to face the uncertainty of these trying times. Whether you’ve fallen behind or can’t seem to get started, these tips are sure to inspire you to get active. 


Make Time for Exercise


It’s essential to make time for things that are important to you. If your current schedule doesn’t allow time for physical activity, it will remain on the back burner. Block out at least an hour each day to dedicate to exercise. You may need to rearrange things in your schedule or ask others to assist you throughout the day so that you can focus on fitness. 


Get Family Involved


If everyone else in the house is sitting around all day, it can be challenging to find the motivation to get moving. You can quickly resolve this problem by encouraging your family to exercise with you. Family workouts allow you to spend more time together, improve household wellness, and gain the accountability you need to reach your goals. 


Pump Up the Jams


There’s nothing like a good song to encourage you to get moving. Grab your portable record player, smartphone, or wireless headphones and turn on your favorite song. While music can inspire you to complete your workout routine, you can also dance while you clean the house, complete home improvement projects, or have an impromptu jam session with the family. 


Make Exercise Fun


When you’re inundated with tasks and overwhelmed with stress, the last thing you want to do is crunches, push-ups, or lifting weights. You can find the motivation you need to stay active by making exercise fun. Instead of traditional routines, you can learn a new style of dance, play sports, go for a swim, workout in the park, or join an online exercise class. The more fun you have, the easier it is to stick to a regular schedule and reach your fitness goals. 


Create a Home Gym


Some people prefer the gym for their daily dose of exercise. If the closing of fitness centers has left you feeling bummed, you can create a gym at home. Whether you have an entire room or a small area to designate to fitness, a few simple investments can transform the space. You can purchase essential equipment like yoga mats, dumbbells, and balance balls to get started. If you have the money to invest more, you can spring for treadmills, weight benches, and ellipticals to get in shape. 


Get Support Online


Sometimes, the best motivation comes from others. While social distancing might make it difficult for in-person workouts with your friends, relatives, or personal trainer, the internet can bridge the gap. You can host virtual workout sessions, schedule a remote meeting with a trainer, or join health and fitness support groups on social media. Having that extra support boosts your mood and encourages you to continue reaching fitness goals. 


When the world is going through such traumatic times and everyday life has changed for the foreseeable future, it can be easy to fall into a sedentary lifestyle. Unfortunately, sitting around all day will only lead to more problems in your life. As such, you must use solutions like those discussed above to gain the inspiration you need to get up and stay fit. Doing so not only reduces your risks of contracting the virus, but it helps to keep your mind and body healthy for whatever may come next.