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Consumers in need of money transfer services (often the frequent traveler!) don’t always shop around for the best rates. This phenomenon is prevalent worldwide, but notable in two world superpowers – the UK and the US.

UK based financial news website reported troubling figures in a recent survey of expatriates. These consumers were shown to spend an unnecessary average of £15 for each transaction made. The frequency with which these individuals use transfer services contributes to what, for some, is a large cost every year. Part of the problem is lack of research on the part of consumers, with 38% of the surveyed individuals claiming they were unaware of what extra fees they were being charged in their transactions.

Given this scenario, it becomes crucial for consumers seeking reliable money transfer services to refine their selection process with straightforward criteria, such as opting for providers that waive transfer fees. One convenient option for such transfers is to send money online with a credit card. Investing time in researching available options proves beneficial, and the internet serves as an invaluable resource for discovering services that mitigate the potential financial strain of money transfers. Among the prominent players in this industry is HiFX, an esteemed foreign exchange money brokerage firm headquartered in the UK, catering to both individual and corporate clientele worldwide.

HiFX entered the North American market in the early 2000s, but one name in particular pops up for  most Americans scoping out options: the granddaddy of the biz – Western Union. For consumers on the go, the company offers a variety of mobile services including helpful SMS notifications. One money saving tip: use the Western Union website instead of a brick and mortar location to save on fees.

When considering transparency in money transfers, it must be stressed that despite increased public and company awareness, some internet scammers still launch Western Union-based money scams on unsuspecting victims.

There is good news, however. Several innovative companies have kick started a movement that champions transparency. Some policies include taking traditional bank fees out of the equation, leaving more money in consumer pockets, and even providing timestamps of up-to-the-minute rates for customers engaging in trades. The mission of these policies is clear – making sure consumers know exactly how much their money transfer is going to cost them, instead of stiffing them with hidden fees.

Worldwide customers of money transfer services should continue cheering on and demanding these initiatives. In the world of money transfers, knowledge is not only power, but an ally in personal financial planning.