Boxer Painting Mr. Brainwash Art Basel Miami Beach 2011

So it’s my favorite time of the year in Miami, the humidity is gone, it’s 75 degrees every day and the sun shines perpetually.  The “Winter” event season has begun and I’m straight chillen.

Art Basel Miami Beach has begun, and for the next 4 days, every artist, socialite, hipster, cheapo, wino, student and mutant will be out at one of the hundreds of free events that showcase some of the world’s coolest modern art.

Art Basel Miami Beach is a shoot off of the famed Art Basel held in Switzerland every year in June, but this is no second-rate festival my friends, in fact, I have never experienced anything like it.  Every art gallery, event space, hotel, outdoor space, indoor space, and anyplace people can congregate is being utilized, and come 5 PM until 5 AM, South Beach is crawling with those looking to check out the newest artists, have a few free drinks, dabble in some micro gastronomy and enjoy the celebration.

On Wednesday night, the opening ceremony was held at the Miami Beach Convention Center with an attendance in the thousands.  Afterwords, the eager party-goers spilled into the streets and the festivities began.  I headed to the Boulan Hotel on Collins Ave right next to the Bass Museum of Art which was amazing.  They had a huge raw space that eventually will become retail, but for now, in its industrial state, made for the ultimate gallery.  It was taken over completely by cooky artist Mr. Brainwash and his pieces were truly imposing, awe-inspiring, fun and impressive.  The free vodka made things especially fun…

After a couple hours, me and a couple friends headed to the famed Gansevoort Hotel to check out the Miguel Paredes event.  After signing in at the RSVP (it’s crucial to rsvp to every event you can before hand) we walked in, checked out some of his newest artwork, but that’s not where the party was my friends…The focus at the event was more on music, and one of the large reception ballrooms was turned into a dance room and the DJ was playing some great old school hip-hop mixed with some pop stuff that got people shaking like a 6th grade dance.  One of the liquor sponsors was Sapporo (random) and they kept me double fisting the whole night.

Art Basel Miami Beach continues through Sunday 12/4, so shoot me an email and I’ll send you the list to end all lists of every Art Basel Miami Beach event so you can rsvp for what you like.

Here’s some of the artwork I saw by Mr. Brainwash and Miguel Paredes.

Outside The Boulan Hotel…Yes, those are Storm Troopers and a giant Mr. Potato Head.

Art Basel Miami Beach

Sorry Colonel…Pay back is a bitch

Colonel Sanders in a Cage


Cool art at Art Basel Miami 2011

Art Basel Boulan Hotel

Art Basel Miami 2011

Big paint can at Mr. Brainwash in Miami Art Basel 2011

car wrap by Miguel Paredes