Getting out into nature can be great for the mind and the soul. As such, a vacation that takes you outdoors can confer tremendous benefits for both your physical and mental health. 

If the idea of such a vacation doesn’t quite appeal, then it might be that your preconceptions are holding you back. Outdoor vacations can take many forms – some of them distinctly more unusual than others. Let’s consider a few of the options. 

The Benefits of Being Outdoors

First, let’s run through some of the aforementioned benefits of outdoor activity. It will allow you to avoid the air pollutants often found in indoor environments, for one thing: EPA research suggests that there are many more pollutants in offices and homes than there are outdoors.

Exposure to sunlight will provide your body with the cues it needs to send you to sleep later in the evening. This can confer a number of knock-on benefits, including better vision, better emotional wellness, and better mental energy.

Vacation Ideas for Nature Lovers

So, with all of this in mind, where should vacationers be traveling to? There are a number of possibilities worth looking at.

The steppes of Mongolia might seem like an extreme part of the world. It’s difficult to be further from civilization, here. There’s not much in the way of tourist infrastructure – but then, that’s a large part of the appeal. For those looking to get away from the usual nine-to-five grind, there are few locations more appealing.

On the other hand, we might consider a stop in rural Vietnam. The limestone mountains of the Ninh Binh province provide an excellent backdrop of long countryside hikes, where you’ll be able to spot a range of primates.

Europe is possibly the best option if you’re looking for a well-developed tourist trade. The primeval forests of Poland, including Białowieża, are some of the oldest on the continent. It’s like something out of a fairy tale – no wonder UNESCO added it to the list of World Heritage Sites in 2014.

If you’d like to explore the wider continent of Europe, then perhaps the best way to do it is with the help of a bicycle. Biking tours in Europe will often take you through a selection of amazing locations, and you’ll have the security of knowing that your route is planned in advance.

Iceland offers something entirely different. It’s just a short flight from the US, but the landscape on offer is more like something from Game of Thrones. The landscape has been shaped by volcanic forces, many of which are still in clear evidence. Black sand beaches, hot springs and ragged cliff faces – they’re all waiting to be uncovered.