Learning how to maximize time on a trip will help you ghet the most out of it ... photo by CC user 21046489@N06 on Flickr

These days, time spent away from home on holiday is becoming increasingly precious, as work hours have lengthened and technology has wormed its way into what used to be our free time at home. As such, it is vital to make the most of every minute spent on the ground at your destination, be it a tropical beach, snowy mountain resort, or a history-imbued European capital. This post will help you learn how to maximize time on a trip, so you can come back from your holiday relaxed and refreshed.

1) Saving maps offline on Google Maps

Nothing wastes time wandering around a city trying to find destinations based off directions that you swore you had memorized prior to leaving your hotel room.

Smartphones and tablets have helped solve this dilemma due to their instantaneous access to apps like Google Maps, but when you are traveling in a foreign country, wi-fi access isn’t always consistent, and cellular data isn’t accessible until you can manage to get your hands on a SIM card.

By planning ahead and saving relevant maps for offline use, you can get to attractions on the ground in record time.

2) Plan at least half a day’s worth of activities

While you might pride yourself on your spontaneous nature, many major destinations around the world have so many headline attractions that it can be hard to decide where to start or which ones to pick over the others.

Decide on what you and your travel mates value, then go online and make a hit list of attractions to tackle during the first couple of days (ideally, they should be within easy walking distance from each other).

This way, you’ll hit the ground running when it comes to making the most of your trip, and ensuing days can be spent either relaxing, or doing other activities that you hear about once you arrive.

3) Research restaurants you want to go to

Of all the travel debates one can get into, there is nothing worse than going back and forth with your partner or friends in an attempt to decide where to eat every night. By going online to aggregator sites like Tripadvisor, Yelp, or Urbanspoon, you can see which establishments have scored consistently well with locals and fellow travelers, enabling you to make some inspired choices well it comes to dining out.

Too busy to sort through these sites? Contact an online travel agency like eShores, who employ experts that will take your preferences and will wade through the multiple dining options, picking restaurants that comply with your desires, and all within a reasonable distance of your hotel.