When working in the B2C industry, customer satisfaction is the only way to build long-term customer relationships.

While it might seem like a waste of time or a highly formal way of running your makeup artist studio, the long-term benefits far outweigh the efforts you create to create a makeup artist service agreement.

Drawing up a contract using a makeup artist contract template and having your client sign it before providing any makeup-related service is the best way to eliminate the hassle and ensure you protect yourself as a professional artist.

Still not convinced?

Let’s explore the importance of using a makeup artist service agreement for every customer who comes knocking on your door.

1. Keeps everyone honest

Transparency in any business is the key to success. Listing all policies on cancellation, deposits, payment, price, and additional fees can help you avoid last-minute confusion and customer frustration, and result in customer retention

When you list any additional fees you charge for extra services, you leave no room for error if a client plans to use additional services at the last minute.

If down the road someone raises a question about your services, you have a service agreement in your favor. With the craze of planning your wedding or any other event, forgetting certain aspects you initially planned is inevitable. 

That’s why professional makeup artists turn to service agreements to keep everyone on the same page and remain honest with their services and pricing.

2. Works as the foundation of seamless customer service

Makeup artists rely heavily on word-of-mouth publicity and recurring jobs. Service agreements can play an important part in this aspect. Without an agreement, hiring a professional makeup artist may take more time and effort for a company and customer.

Also, it lays down the foundation of seamless customer service because one document lists all schedules and details of services.

3. Provides recourse of unmet service obligations

When you cannot meet the service obligations initially agreed upon, a customer may prefer to publicly express their dissatisfaction with your services. Negative reviews on Facebook, Instagram, or other social media platforms can jeopardize your business.

But, a service agreement can prevent such adverse consequences.

As the service agreement includes consequences you may face for unmet service obligations and provides an alternative plan if you don’t meet performance standards – it can reduce the dissatisfaction rate of your customer.

For example, if you cannot use a lipstick of a promised product during a customer’s makeup, it can cause customer frustration.

Instead, you can offer a monetary penalty or provide another free makeup service to your client and prevent your makeup studio in times of distress.

4. Prevents legal liabilities

The last thing a makeup artist wants is to trigger an allergic reaction to a client on their wedding day. To avoid any legal liabilities, it’s imperative to indicate any allergy, cold, or other illnesses in your makeup artist service agreement.

While creating a service agreement for a makeup artist is no rocket science, you can minimize your efforts by using a makeup artist contract template.

So, create your service agreement today to prevent legal troubles tomorrow. 


Author’s bio:

Priya Jain is a professional copywriter with 8 years of experience. She has an MBA and engineering degree. When she is not writing, you will find her teaching math, spending her day running behind her toddler, and trying new recipes. You can follow her on LinkedIn and Twitter.