If you spend any amount of time travelling, you owe it to the travelling community and the local culture to be a positive representative and respect the destination and its residents. By being a better traveler, you’re also setting a good example for those who come after you.

Let’s tick those last few bits off our checklists, jump in and take a look at a few top tips for being a more considerate traveler while abroad. When it comes to being a considerate traveler it involves a generous amount of common sense while also being informed about the local culture. There is nothing more off putting than rudeness cloaked in ignorance. Don’t be that person, we all see them in our nearest tourist towns and when we’re traveling abroad. Below are some tips to make good impressions while traveling!

How to be a Considerate Traveler When Traveling Abroad

  1. Clean up after yourself

This is true no matter who you are or where you’re going – you owe others around you the basic courtesy of cleaning up after yourself. Pick up your litter, recycle and just generally do everything you can to leave places in the same condition in which you found them. If the city has public recycle and or compost- make sure you know which bin to use for what. You can even consider carrying a reusable waste bag around – and picking up any other litter that you might happen to spot while you’re at it.

  1. Tip generously

When someone provides a good service, whether it’s cooking you a delicious meal or driving you from point A to point B, you can show your gratitude by giving them a generous tip. In some parts of the world, where people aren’t earning anywhere near as much money as we do in the west, a tip that works out as less than a dollar can make a big difference to someone’s day. If in doubt on whether or not to tip, check out this guide for a well rounded etiquette on when to tip and where.

  1. Help other people

It doesn’t take much to be helpful to people, whether that’s letting someone go in front of you in a queue or whether you’re holding a door open or safely checking out the side window of your rideshare if any bicyclists are passing by. A little act of kindness can go a long way – and it can also help you to make new friends while you’re on the road.

  1. Learn the lingo

A great way to make a good impression on the people you meet is to spend some time learning the language of the countries that you’re visiting. It doesn’t take much for you to learn to introduce yourself and to order a drink in the native language.


Now that you know a little bit more about how you can be more considerate while traveling, you’re ready to put all of this into action, whether you’re hiking through Europe or planning cruises to Ensenada, Mexico.

The good news is that if you believe in karma (or even just the idea of paying it forward), being more considerate can make a big difference to both yourself and to those around you. The world is waiting for you to go out and see it!