If you’ve been living in the same place for a while, you may get to a point where it’s time for a change.

The same four walls you look at day in, day out can have an impact on your mood. If you view them as ugly or boring, you don’t enjoy being in there as much as you should.

On the other hand, having the right vibe from your room can make you feel great and inspire you to tackle the world head on.

Here are some tips to redecorate your room and create the perfect environment.

1. Start With The Walls

The first thing that anyone notices about a room is the color of the walls and what’s on them.

The color is the easiest thing to change. Grab a bucket of paint and get set to work. But the choice of color here is important.

Your room should be a place of sanctity. It’s a place where you can relax after a hard day’s work, so choose the color that matches.

Another thing with the walls should be what’s on them – or not on them. For example, this could be in the form of a picture or a poster.

Sometimes, it can be as easy as filling up the empty space that will breathe new life into your room.

This will save you a lot of time painting a brand new color on the walls.

If you have a bare wall, you could hang a picture, a mirror or place an inspiring poster, like a star map from Twinkle In Time.

2. Don’t Forget the Ceiling

The ceiling is so easy to forget. Every room has one but not everyone pays as much attention to it as they should.

As you lie in bed, chances are you are going to look up at the ceiling at some point, so what do you see on yours?

The answer is probably a very bland surface.

Therefore, why not make it a bit more interesting and decorate it?

Use ceiling stencils and other architectural elements to make it more appealing and less of the same.

The ceiling is the fifth wall in your room so don’t overlook it!

3. Pick Appropriate Furniture

If you have a small room, don’t but furniture that will take up its entirety. Not only will it look silly but you’ll constantly be walking over it just to move around.

So, it’s important that you pick furniture appropriate to the size of your room.

For rooms that have a high ceiling, it’s a good idea to bring in tall furniture to bring it down, such as a taller wardrobe or larger headboard.

This applies to your bed too. There’s no point getting a king size bed in there if it compromises the rest of the space.

For bigger rooms, you should think about making as much use of the space as possible so it doesn’t look too bare.

Larger items work best as they won’t feel lost in the room. For example, add an ottoman at the end of the bed or a seat to sit on.

4. Ensure You Have Room For Storage

One of the reasons why you may wish to redecorate your room is because you have too many things on show and are unsightly.

This tip to redecorate your room will bring calm to the madness.

One way you can do this is by having a storage unit at the end of the bed. Here you can store bed linen sets, spare pillows and blankets, freeing up space in your wardrobe for other items.

On that note, you could replace the bed frame with one that has space underneath, or one that lifts up, for extra storage space.

For smaller accessories you only use during bed, consider buying a headboard that comes with small pockets built-in shelves.

And of course, if you got some budget, you can consider upgrading your closet system with a new closet design. There’s always the option of buying a new bedside table or replacing yours with a bigger one or another to match the theme of your newly decorated room.

5. Make The Use Of Light

As mentioned, your room should be a place of sanctity. Light is one of the best tips to redecorate your room because it has positive effects on mood and makes everything in the room look better.

If you have a bay window in your room, make the most out of the natural light. Fill the bay up with cushions, pillows, photos, etc (but not too many).

Side note: if have blinds, replace them with a pair of curtains to get the most light through the windows. If you’d rather stick to blinds, choose some that don’t look like a standard issue.

Another way to make better use of light is to have a bedside lamp with a moveable arm. This is great for when you are reading but don’t want the overpowering main lights shining on you.

6. Keep It Simple

At the end of the day, the best tip to redecorate your room is to keep it simple. No matter how big or how small your room is, simple and cozy is the best vibe you should be aiming for.

You don’t have to go all out and make it look like the ultimate showroom. Stick to the basics like a bed, a couple of bedside tables, a dressing table, a chest of drawers in the closet and some storage.

If you have anything else, it’s likely taking up too much room, looks out of place or is probably just clutter.

The same goes for your accessories. Don’t have too many cushions, flowers, candles, pictures, posters etc on display.


These 6 tips to redecorate your room will ensure you have everything you need when the time comes for a change. Keep it simple and think about how you can create a soothing experience with the space you have. The last thing you need is to go to your room and think you’d rather be somewhere else.