If you haven’t already been out there in the big wide world with your backpack, then may we suggest you get going. Traveling on a budget can be a really fun experience and trust us, very educational as well. For backpackers who’ve already been out exploring, many will keep doing this forever. At least once in your life, you should try this yourself. This article will highlight some of the backpacker-friendly destinations to consider.

How will I find my backpacking trip?

One of the greatest questions asked in terms of traveling is how to fund the trip. Luckily a backpacker trip will often be way less expensive than traveling in many other ways. Some people save up for a long time, others borrow money and some might have luck in betting after reading the nfl predictions or others. There might also be the possibility of working abroad, if the country you want to experience, legally offers these possibilities

Thailand – experience The Land of Smiles

If you’re fairly new to the whole backpacking concept this destination is brilliant, as a starting point. Thailand offers amazing nature, beaches, islands, diving, culture, and world-class street food for very little money. It is also a country where you will meet lots of fellow travelers, who are ready to mingle.

Hungary – Experience Europe

First, it’s very important to state that if you do decide to go to Europe, make sure you visit more than one country. It is so easy to take buses and trains around Europe, so why not make it a multi-destination trip? Hungary should, though, be on your list. This beautiful and bustling city is not only fair on prices but has a cool backpacker vibe there. World famous for its beers and bars, as well as architecture.

Australia – Work while traveling

You might wonder why the land down under is on the list, as it is a rather expensive destination. Well, the reason why it’s on the list is because of the Working-Holiday possibilities. Depending on your age and nationality, it might be worth it to check out your possibilities of making some money while living the dream. Australia is a true paradise, with some of the best beaches in the world. You will find exotic animals, diverse national parks, jungles, reefs, deserts, and much more. Truly a destination that backpackers enjoy. Also, the hostel life is grand in Oz.