It’s that time of year again! Time to start planning your holiday vacation. If you’re like most people, you’re working with a limited budget. But don’t worry, there are plenty of ways to save money on your holiday trip without sacrificing any of the fun. 

Through Trust Deeds and other solutions, IVA Plan help hundreds beat debt and in this post, they share a number of money-saving tips and tricks for your summer holiday. 

Check out these 10 tips for budget-friendly travel.

1. Start budgeting for your trip as soon as possible

The sooner you start budgeting for your trip, the more time you’ll have to save up. Make a list of all the potential costs you might incur, including airfare, accommodation, food and activities. Once you have an estimate of how much you need to save, you can start setting aside money each month.

2. Set up a dedicated travel savings account

One of the best ways to save money for travel is to set up a dedicated account that you only use for travel expenses. This way, you can track your progress and see exactly how much you have saved. You may even be able to get a higher interest rate on your savings if you open a travel-specific account.

3. Make a budget and stick to it

A budget is essential for any type of travel, whether you’re planning a luxury trip or a budget backpacking adventure. Once you know how much you can realistically afford to spend, make a budget and stick to it. This will help you avoid overspending and help you save money for travel.

4. Use credit card rewards points

If you have a credit card with rewards points, now is the time to use them! You can often redeem points for travel expenses such as airfare, hotels and rental cars. Using credit card rewards points is an easy way to save money on travel.

5. Look for travel deals and discounts

There are often great deals and discounts available if you know where to look. Sign up for travel newsletters, follow travel accounts on social media and check websites like Groupon for deals. You can also try your luck with flash sales and last-minute deals.

6. Fly during off-peak times

Airfares are often cheaper during certain times of the year or week. If you can, fly during off-peak times to get the best deal on airfare.

7. Stay in budget accommodation

There are many great budget accommodation options available these days, from hostels to Airbnb. Be sure to compare prices and read reviews before booking to find the best deal.

8. Eat like a local

One of the best ways to save money on food while traveling is to eat like a local. Eating out can be expensive, so try to find budget-friendly options such as street food or markets. You can also save money by cooking your own meals.

9. Avoid tourist traps

Tourist traps are often overpriced and crowded. Do your research before you travel to find out which attractions are worth your time and money. You can often find budget-friendly alternatives that are just as great.

10. Use public transportation

Public transportation is often a budget-friendly option for getting around. If you’re traveling within a city, consider taking the bus or train instead of hailing a taxi. 

Following these tips, you can save money on travel and have a great trip without breaking the bank.