The top tourist attractions in Recife are usually beaches now after the world cup has passed through town, even though the city has dozens of some truly amazing churches. The centuries old churches are not only attractive from an architectural perspective; they also reflect the Catholic religion of the city’s inhabitants. Most of these churches even have museums inside them showcasing  beautiful religious art and history. Here are some of the churches not to miss in Recife if you’re going to Brazil to open a business and have some time to kill or you’re going to Recife for purely tourism.

cathedral in Recife

  1. Franciscan Convent of Saint Anthony was built in 1588 and is renowned for Capela Dourada or the Golden Chapel. Capela Dourada was named such because of its wide use of gold like the engravings on the altar. The chapel’s ceilings are designed with paintings while the rest of its interiors have Portuguese tiled panels. The convent has Baroque architecture and one of the best in Brazil.
  2. Our Lady of Carmel Basilica and Convent was built between 1710 and 1767. Much like the Franciscan Convent of Saint Anthony, it has Baroque architecture. Gold is also widely used in engravings and religious items within the church. Only one of its rooms is filled with Portuguese tiles. It’s one of the top tourist attractions in Recife.
  3. Our Lady of the Conception of the Military was established in 1726. Its ceiling features a painting depicting the Guararapes Battle. To commemorate those who fought, leaders of the Paraguay War and Praieira Revolution were buried in the church. There is a museum inside called Museu de Art Sacra Padre Roberto Barbalho.
  4. Our Lady of the Rosary of the Black Men was a church erected during the 17th century by African-Brazilian slaves. Once again, its wooden altar features a gold engraving. Other altars display religious images from the 18th century.
  5. Holy Sacrament, Saint Anthony Mother Church was constructed between 1753 and 1790. It has Baroque and Manuelin architecture. Its interiors are heavily decorated by images of Saint Sebastian and Saint Anthony. A large crystal chandelier hangs from its ceiling.
  6. Saint Peter of Clerics Cathedral is one of the top tourist attractions in Recife. The Baroque church has an altar made of Rosewood, a gold-engraved pulpit, and a wooden ceiling carved with images of Saint Peter, evangelists, and the twelve apostles. A combination of Baroque art, Rococo and Neo-Classical elements, as well as 16th century mannerisms decorates its interiors. The cathedral is a replica of Rome’s Santa Maria Maggiore Sanctuary.

If you’re interested in checking out all of the above churches as well as all of the other amazing tourist attractions Recife has on offer, than check Trip Tidy for accommodation options, they are South America specialists and offer great rates.