Posts Tagged‘the netherlands’

bacbachelor party in amsterdam

Picturesque canals, world-class museums, amazing restaurants  – cheap bud,  boobie shakin’, all-night drinking. Amsterdam is one destination that combines all of the cerebral, hedonistic, sybaritic and lowly pleasures a human could possibly be stimulated by.…


While everyone has heard of the classic American Road Trip, Europe offers some truly stunning overland adventures, and within a matter of minutes, you can be in a completely different landscape, climate, hell even another…

You think the top things to do in Amsterdam only involve eating “happy brownies” and indulging on hedonistic delights the city is known for?  While American movies may often depict the capital of Netherlands as…

Clogs from The Netherlands

What the English speaking world calls “clogs”, the Dutch call “klompen”. Within the area of cultural accoutrement, Dutch clogs are an extremely well-known phenomenon. They show up in story books and every year, around 3…