Posts Tagged‘beer’

mural in mexico city

Updated May 28, 2019 When it comes to Mexico City, there are a lot of preconceptions and false truths. If you ask someone what they know or think about it, you’ll probably get, “dangerous, dirty,…

After 12 days in Germany, it was time for me to head somewhere new. I had no plan after Berlin until a few days before when I was checking out cheap flights to wherever I…

Art Deco in Saigon

Officially Ho Chi Minh City, known by everyone as Saigon, is a massive city in the south of Vietnam. Being it my 2nd trip to southeast Asia, I figured I better see some more than Thailand…

beer and cider in Germay

Drinking plays an essential role in Germany’s culture and traditions. It is of course renowned as a nation of beer-drinkers – a stereotype that has been reinforced across the globe thanks to the festival giant…

mascot of Brussels

You could be forgiven for neglecting Brussels on your inter-railing or backpacking through Western Europe, but you’d be missing out on one of the most unique cities you may ever visit. Many people forgo Brussels,…

When most people think of Ibiza, they think of one thing, parties. They imagine flocks of tourists emerging from their Easyjet flight, blinking in the sun, ready to hit the clubs and turn zombie for…

When the weather warms up, Europe is the best place for summer holidays.  It’s because if you suck at skiing like me, the colder countries don’t hold much allure when they’re bunked down in snow…

How to pour a Boddingtons the right way

So I went out for dinner with a couple friends of mine from college last night to one of the only breweries in Miami, Gordon Biersch.  After a couple Hefeweizens we decided to go walk over to…