Posts Tagged‘Bangkok’

When I was in Bangkok these past couple of months, I was looking for something interesting to check out after the wats (temples) were exhausted and I couldn’t sing anymore Karaoke. My buddy Ian Ord…

Bangkok is now one of my favorite cities. I visited last year and was completely overwhelmed to the point that I got the hell out as quickly as I could. I’m used to orderly, planned,…

massage in Thailand

Thailand is a hedonis….westerner’s dream. Famous just for being a farang (foreigner in Thai)?, check. Delicious food, cold beer, great accommodation for half the cost of any country that you’re probably from? Check. Bustling cities…

Muay Thai Boxing Ring

Thailand is just one of those countries you could easily get stuck in, be it the painfully beautiful beaches and countryside, to the bustling always-on metropolis of Bangkok, you will see many Farangs (foreigner in Thai)…

renting a bike in Chiang Mai

So after experiencing the insane hustle and bustle of Bangkok, I decided it was time to get the hell out of dodge and go somewhere a bit more my speed. I had heard about the…

Bangkok at night

Well, I head off to Asia this upcoming Saturday (9/1) with a brief stop in San Francisco. My first destination is going to be in the Philippines where I plan to start off in Manila…