Seeing your dog vomit can be a worrying sight. But if you ask any veteran dog owner, they’ll probably tell your that it happens more than most people would like. So, if you catch your dog vomiting or see some vomit on the floor, what do you do?

First things first: don’t panic. There are many reasons your dog can start vomiting, from running around too much, to eating grass, all the way to food poisoning and other serious conditions. So, just because your dog is vomiting, it doesn’t mean that they are sick or experiencing health problems.

However, that doesn’t mean that you should just shrug it off if you see your dog vomiting, either. So, to help you out, we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide on what to do if your dog is vomiting, the potential causes, and when you should call a vet.

Why Is My Dog Vomiting?

Sadly, there are many reasons your dog can be vomiting. Just like humans, vomiting in dogs can be triggered by a lot of things. They could have eaten something they shouldn’t have, run around too much, or it could potentially be an underlying health condition.

The important thing to remember is that it can be hard to determine why a dog is vomiting. There are many different factors that go into determining the cause of your dog’s vomiting such as the frequency of the vomiting, color and texture, as well as how your dog is acting.

So, the most important thing to remember when you see your dog vomiting is that you need to do some detective work to determine the causes. And in some cases, you might also have to call your vet to help determine the cause.

What To Do If You Catch Your Dog Vomiting

Remember, if you see your dog vomiting, do not panic. There are many different things that can cause this and sometimes, there is no real reason to worry. So, if you see your dog vomiting, the first thing to do is relax and approach the situation calmly.

And once you’re ready to do that, here is what to do.

Examine the Vomit

It might be tempting to clean up your dog’s gross vomit the second it comes out. However, there is valuable information embedded in the consistency and color of your dog’s vomit, which could be very important when describing the situation to the vet.

For example, if your dog is throwing up white foam, that could mean that the vomit or saliva is mixed with the air. Or, if your dog’s vomit is brown, then that could mean they’re throwing up their kibble or feces that they could have eaten on their adventures.

So, be sure to take a close look at your dog’s vomit before cleaning it up. From there, you might be able to tell what caused the vomiting or at the very least, describe the situation more clearly for the vet. Take note of the color and consistency of your dog’s vomit, as this can help you determine what to do next.

Recall Your Dog’s Steps

The next step is to recall what your dog did that day. If your dog spends a lot of time outside, they might have eaten plants, feces, or something else they shouldn’t have. Remember, dogs are curious and hungry animals, so they will likely put some things in their mouth that they might eventually regret. 

Additionally, running around too much or playing right after eating can also cause a dog to vomit, so try to figure out the things your dog could’ve done that would cause them to vomit.

Observe Your Dog

Another thing to do is observe your dog. Try to see if they will vomit again or if they’re exhibiting other symptoms. If your dog is also experiencing diarrhea, lethargy, or doesn’t seem like its usual self, keep a closer eye on them. Make sure to observe your dog for at least 24 hours and if the symptoms disappear after that, you’re probably fine.

However, if your dog shows other symptoms or if they persist for longer than a day, that could potentially spell trouble. So, in this scenario, make sure to contact your vet immediately.

Withhold Food for a Couple of Hours

After your dog vomits, make sure that they don’t eat for at least 4-6 hours afterward. If they have food poisoning, eating more food can make it worse or cause them to vomit more. But if they stopped vomiting after 4-6 hours, try to slowly give them food again to see how they react.

Conclusion – When Should You Call the Vet?

If your dog vomits once and is completely fine after, that probably isn’t a reason to alert the vet. However, if symptoms persist for more than a couple of hours, then it might be time to give your vet a call. Additionally, if your dog has underlying health conditions or is old, it might be good to schedule a vet visit right away to be safe.