Posts Tagged‘Save Money for traveling’

Long-term travel

One of the most popular questions people ask me is, how do I finance my trips? While the thought of not having that paycheck coming in bi-monthly might be more frightening than your grandma’s boobs, there are…

I refuse to pay full price for things.  Yea I know I’m Jewish, but this has nothing to do with my that. From clothes to traveling, I feel with a little research, you can save…

If you remember, I wrote a post about how timeshares are a horrible investment (which you should know because you read everything I write), but what I didn’t do was provide a solution for those…


You can book each part of a trip separately or you can purchase a travel package deal. The idea of all inclusive vacation packages is to save both time and money. Everything you need is in a single package, meaning that you book one thing and then you are done. Travel agencies find the best […]

American Dollars and an American Passport

Here are some creative ways on how to save money for traveling without eating Ramen noodles everyday… One of the most frequent questions I get asked when I tell people about how much I travel is,…