At 2 AM I slowly floated into that limbo between deep sleep and consciousness. A wrenching in my innards that could have only been mistaken for a nightmare ferociously pulled me from my placidity. I lay shivering to the bones, only a sheet and small handmade blanket to warm myself. The temperature dipping to 34 degrees in the 9000 foot highlands of central Mexico where Queretaro resides. The mighty Montezuma with his unsympathetic hand reaching deep into my gut and ravaging me for my foolishness to think I could come to his world and dare to eat,drink, and be merry with no consequences. You have to pay your dues in this great land before you can exploit it’s grandeurs. I could feel whatever angry thing I ate the night prior using it’s fingernails to scrape every inch of my intestinal tract as it rounded its way through; its arms and legs slowing it’s descent like a scared kid on a water slide. Squirming only made it worse as I tried desperately to think of anything to ease the pain…Thank god I decided to go see a travel doctor before my trip because I had a hefty bottle of anti-biotic medication that coupled with two little over the counter imodium, thwarted anymore procession of the devilish diarrhea . Sorry mighty Montezuma, but your appearance was not made tangible this time. Once again, western innovation conquered this empire but I learned a good lesson and now I know where the saying “your body is a temple” really comes from…

If you’re not aware, it’s unsafe to drink the tap water in Mexico, and as much as you try to believe any water that food is cooked in has a reached boiling temperature, your bound to get burned spending a whole month there at least once like I did.  It was worth it for the amazing street food I had the privilege of enjoying on a daily basis though.  Just make sure that you see your doctor before any trip to Mexico and ask for an antibiotic in the chance you run into any issues.  Anyone else have any funny Montezuma Revenge stories?  Everyone likes a good poop joke…