The importance of weight loss during summer

Summer is a great time to start working on your health and body, and in fact, maintaining a normal weight is a guarantee of great health. In summer, it is even useful to lose weight because you can do it without harm to the body and replenish it with various vitamins. It is also important that, during this period, there is an additional strong motivation – being able to relax on the beach because you want to buy all the beautiful bikinis and not closed swimsuits. In summer, it is easier to lose weight because there is a lot of dietary and healthy food available on the market – various fruits and vegetables, as well as berries.

The most important features of quick summer diets

Diets for quick weight loss are salvation for women, but here it is worth noting that they are all short-term, so you cannot use them for more than fourteen days.

Diets for quick weight loss are many, but they have common features:

  • The basis of nutrition during such diets are vegetables, fruits, and berries, and this is no accident because they contain lots of vitamins, nutrients, and fiber;
  • Nutrition should be low-calorie because then fats will be burned more efficiently;
  • Drink plenty of clean water because it helps cleanse the body of various toxic substances and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Options for summer diets for fast and effective weight loss

There is a large number of fast and effective summer diets, and we will now tell you everything about the most interesting of them.

Five-day diet. This diet has many advantages, including a short compliance period, high efficiency, and simplicity.

Here’s the menu for a five-day diet:

  • Breakfast – you can eat 100 grams of cereal which must be soaked for twelve hours and boiled for fifteen minutes; you can add some green tea and 150-200 grams of any fruit; it is better to give preference to buckwheat, rice, or oatmeal;
  • Brunch – you can eat 250 grams of any fruit;
  • Lunch – 150 grams of vegetable soup, vegetable stew, or vegetable salad which should be eaten with some vegetable oil; 150 grams of protein; you can also eat a fruit salad;
  • Late lunch – a dessert with cottage cheese which can be supplemented with fruit; you can also drink a glass of fruit juice;
  • dinner – you should not skip on dinner because you can eat 200 grams of fruit or vegetable salad, 100 grams of casseroles, and 200 grams of yogurt.

If before bedtime you feel a strong hunger, then you can eat 100 grams of protein.

As you can see, fresh ingredients are everything when it comes to health and having a proper diet. You should share this amazing cuisine with a partner you love, but if you don’t have one as of now, be sure to check out this farmers women dating website. Don’t miss out.

Seven-day diet. This diet has a long duration, and those who have tried the previous version can safely try out a seven-day fast diet on their bodies. A feature of this diet is that its days are bound to certain products.

1st day – on this day, you can eat only one type of vegetables, and you can choose the most favorite.

2nd day – on the second day, you can eat only one type of fruit – the one you like.

3rd day – on this day, only berries are allowed in food.

4th day – dairy products, for example, cottage cheese and kefir because they have a lot of protein which is so necessary for the body.

5th day – on this day, you can only eat cucumbers.

6th day – only berries can be eaten on this day.

7th day – fruit juices without any sugar.

It is also worth noting that during this diet, you need to drink plenty of pure water daily, and you can also drink sugar-free teas.

Ten kilograms in ten days. This diet is very similar to the one we’ve described above; the only thing is that its duration is longer, and the menu is stricter, and therefore, it is more difficult to sustain it, but it is not impossible.

1st day – boiled eggs;

2nd day – fish products that are steamed or cooked;

3rd day – zero fat cottage cheese, to which you can add honey;

4th day – chicken meat which was boiled without skin;

5th day – boiled potatoes;

6th day – pork or beef which was boiled;

7th day – cabbage salad with the addition of carrots which can be seasoned with lemon juice and celery;

8th day – fruit; no bananas, and grapes;

9th day – one percent kefir or yogurt;

10th day – rose tea.