Travelling to Japan is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for many, and there are many questions to be answered before you head to Crown currency exchange to purchase your yen. One common question is whether a visa is needed to enter Japan from Australia and how this would be obtained. 

To remove any stress before your travels, we have compiled this brief guide, which will answer all of your visa-related questions! 

Do You Need A Visa To Visit Japan?

Not everyone needs a visa to visit Japan. You can enter Japan without a visa as an Australian if you visit for less than ninety days. This applies to those travelling for short-stay tourism and business travel. Should you travel to Japan for any other reason, you must contact the Japanese embassy or consulate. They can provide more guidance about the specific visa you need and help you with the application process where needed. 

While you do not need a visa to head here on a short vacation, you can only be allowed reentry if you have return tickets or enough money for your stay. You will be asked to show proof of a return ticket upon arrival to ensure that you are staying for most of the ninety days. A boarding pass or confirmation from your airline is often sufficient. 

The rules for entering Japan from Australia can change, so it is best to contact the Japanese embassy to ensure you have accurate and up-to-date information. 

Are There Laws  Australian Tourists Need To Follow In Japan?

There are some laws that you must follow while you are in Japan. Some of these are not widely known and can leave you with a hefty fine, so make sure you are aware of them before boarding the flight: 

  • You must carry your passport with you at all times. You can be asked for identification at any point and arrested if you don’t have any 
  • You might need a prescription for any medication you take, like codeine and cold and flu medications, which are illegal in Japan – a full list of these can be found on the Japanese embassy’s website 
  • You cannot legally drink alcohol under the age of twenty in Japan 
  • You cannot take illegal drugs in Japan, with penalties in place for possession, regardless of the amount you have 

These laws exist alongside other common laws in Japan that we see in any country but can commonly trip up tourists. It is important to respect Japan’s laws and culture when visiting.

What Etiquettes Should I Be Aware Of In Japan? 

Generally, Japanese people are very polite, with a huge emphasis placed on respect for others. For example, there is no talking on phones while on public transport, and you can expect to find queues outside train doors rather than a pushing huddle. We have outlined some other etiquettes you should be aware of before travelling: 

  • You must remove your shoes before entering a Japanese person’s home. Slippers are often provided, or stockings are considered acceptable 
  • You might need to remove your shoes before entering changing rooms, temples, tea ceremony rooms, and some restaurants 
  • You must bow to show your respect for others. A deeper and longer bow shows a level of respect, but many Japanese people will shake hands with tourists unfamiliar with this custom 
  • You must place your cash on a cash tray provided when paying for items with cash 
  • You should clear your place to show that you have had enough to eat at a restaurant or someone’s house 
  • You should pour soy sauce into a small dish and dip the food into the sauce instead of pouring it directly over your food 
  • You should avoid rubbing your chopsticks together or spearing food with them 
  • You should use two hands when giving and receiving gifts and business cards 

You might not need to know all of these etiquette rules, but it is worth being aware of them. Generally, as long as you are polite and respectful to others in Japan, you should not encounter any issues. You can always ask someone if you are unsure how to proceed respectfully rather than deliberately being rude. 

Final Thoughts 

Australians looking to travel to Japan for less than ninety days do not need a visa. Should you want to stay longer or plan to work during your stay, you must speak to the embassy to ensure that you have the correct visa for your travels. Following the guidelines, you can enjoy a wonderful trip to Japan, soaking up their culture.