The COVID-19 pandemic has changed many things about our daily lives. With business closures, working from home, and distance learning in place, the last thing you need is to end up with a skin breakout due to wearing your mask.

The term “maskne” was created by those who have been having more frequent acne breakouts since having to wear a face mask regularly. Since you can’t avoid wearing a mask and following social distancing guidelines, it’s important to know how to deal with “maskne” if it happens to you.

From cleansing your skin regularly to using naturally based makeup products like 100% Pure, here are a few things that you can do to treat face mask “maskne”.

What Is Maskne?

Maskne is sudden breakouts of acne along your jawline, around your mouth, and around your nose from long periods of time wearing a mask. When pores become clogged with bacteria, sweat, and dirt, the breakout is natural. The wearing of masks to protect you from COVID-19 is essential and could be making your breakouts worse.

When you are wearing a mask there is much more moisture being produced from your breath which creates a humid environment that is hard on the skin. Wearing a mask also traps dirt, makeup, and sweat that can easily get clogged in your pores.

Preventing Maskne Breakouts

Since you can’t avoid wearing a mask, you will need to work to prevent maskne breakouts from getting out of hand.


Regular cleaning has always been the best way to prevent acne breakouts. This is no different when you add a face mask into the equation. Establishing a regular routine of cleansing your skin twice a day can help to prevent breakouts. Using a gentle water-based cleanser will help to remove built-up oils, dirt, and sweat and keep your pores cleaner.

Avoid Drying Products

Many normal acne treatments work to dry out your pores that help to clear out a breakout. If you are wearing a mask all day, using harsher drying products can actually make your acne worse. Your skin is taking a beating during the day hidden behind a mask so it’s better to use gentler, alcohol-free cleansers, and products to reduce the number of your breakouts.

Natural Makeup

During the pandemic, millions of women have chosen to embrace a more natural look. What’s the point in spending time on an extensive makeup job when no one can see it under your mask? Seeing as your skin is covered by a mask all day, heavy or chemically based makeup products can produce maskne breakouts.

Using naturally-based makeup like the new line from Selena Gomez and 100% Pure can help you look your best without the risk of damage to your skin. You can also skip the makeup altogether. Embrace your face and show the world just how beautiful you are.


You may think that using moisturizer may make your maskne worse but, it actually works to nourish your skin. Your face is hidden under a mask for months and is likely in need of some deep moisturizing. Dry skin can create an environment that can bring on a maskne outbreak.

With all the scary things going on in the world today, the last thing you want to deal with is a breakout of “maskne”. Follow these tips to help you stay healthy and look your best through the pandemic.