These Alternative Company Away Day Ideas will your team bond together

It’s difficult to think of alternative company away day ideas. However, leading internal and external door specialists Oakwood Doors have put together some of the most creative and exciting ways to enjoy your time out of the office!

Create a Company Calendar

Creating a calendar for the workplace is a highly entertaining way to spend your company away day! Colleagues must work together to produce creative visions for the next working year calendar. Imagination and creativity is essential in the organisation of each shot. You could make the event more competitive by splitting the office into teams who will each pitch their ideas for the theme of the calendar. The winning team will be successful in orchestrating the winning ideas. Be sure to use a high quality digital camera to capture the best shots! Each team should be allocated a budget in order prior to the event, to purchase or rent props and costumes. Following the photoshoot, you will be able to create a professional calendar. Important company dates can then be written on, to keep you and the office organised for the following months!

Room Escape Games

Whilst fun team away day ideas are useful in bringing employees together, it’s important to remember the other potential benefits of company away days. If you wish to improve teamwork, leadership skills and patience in the office, then room escape games could be the perfect opportunity to do so! A group of employees are ‘locked’ inside a room for a certain amount of time and are given a variety of tasks, clues and puzzles to solve which will help them locate the key to free them. The various obstacles require a range of diverse skills, ensuring that the game utilises the different skill sets of all individuals present.

A Competitive ‘Cook Off’

Why not try a culinary team-building activity? Creating new and exciting dishes together requires not only creativity, but also teamwork and leadership skills. Divide your team into smaller groups and decide whether to lay out a selection of random ingredients or choose food categories in advance. Teams can compete against each other to create a culinary masterpiece out of randomly selected ingredients, testing their patience and creativity. Alternatively, each team can be given a food category and the team with the best dish will win! You can add even more of a challenge to the event by asking your teams to create foods in certain shapes or dishes that stick to a certain colour scheme.

Wine Tasting

You could try also try planning a more civilised company away day, to reward your hardworking office. Why not arrange a wine tasting evening for your colleagues to relax and enjoy? You could then add some excitement to the experience by blindfolding colleagues or disguising bottles of wine and asking them to reveal the taste, type and rough cost of the wine they’re drinking. You can also introduce cheese to the evening and educate your colleagues on which wine is best with each type of cheese. This event provides a civilized alternative to the very active and entertaining activities that can sometimes be on offer.

Clay Pigeon Shooting

Clay pigeon shooting, also known as clay target shooting, involves shooting a firearm at special flying targets, known as clay pigeons or clay targets. Extensive one-to-one instruction and training will be given to each team member at the beginning of the visit to ensure full safety. The whole session will include a practice session, followed by a friendly competition to discover who will get hit the clay pigeons the most throughout the day. Corporate clay pigeon shooting is a great way to develop individual leaderships skills, boost confidence and create healthy competition. It’s a great way to get the team outdoors – especially if they spend all day in the office!