A phone is now a basic gadget. It helps you to communicate, work, and plan your day, among other tasks. However, many people, especially students are yet to utilize the phone to its full capacity. 

The apps you install on your phone can change your college experience. I use my phone to look for the best to pay someone to do my research paper. The phone also helps in research and organizing reference materials. You can also follow classes over the phone or hold group discussions remotely. 

Here are excellent android apps that will change how you use your phone


1. Grammarly 


Grammarly is an editing app. It helps you to craft the most compelling essays in a formal and professional language. It will highlight errors and give a reason to enable you to produce a compelling essay. 

Grammarly is free to install on your phone, laptop, or any other typing device. It highlights typing errors, poor word choices, repetition, and punctuation mistakes. 

Grammarly is also a perfect plagiarism checker. Considering the sensitivity of academic writing to plagiarism, you need the app to help you deliver an original and unique paper. 

Grammarly generates a report on your writing skills. For instance, you can see the common mistakes in your recent project. Such reports will help you to improve on writing, delivering better academic work in consequent assignments. It is free but you can pay for advanced features. It is one of the most affordable writing apps that can change your college experience forever. 


2. Evernote


Evernote is an organizational and storage app. It is a cloud-based storage app, allowing you to collect all your reference materials in one place. You will use the materials wherever you are without having to drag your gadgets. 

Evernote allows you to drag and drop the reference materials you have come across during research. You can create folders for different materials based on assignments. Further, you can search for materials stored inside Evernote using a particular keyword. It makes it easier to retrieve files from the app. 


3. Google Docs


Google Docs is a cloud-based storage app. It enables you to collect all documents you need for your assignment or personal project in one place. You avoid having to carry your laptop or gadgets wherever you go. You can complete your assignment anytime and anywhere without producing multiple documents, one for each gadget. 

Google Docs comes with enough storage space for all your college projects. You may buy more space based on demand. It is easy to use and will simplify your assignment writing processes. 


4. My Homework Student Planner


When do you intend to complete your homework? How about planning for a specific time of day and the hours you will work on the paper? My Homework Student Planner makes it easier to manage your assignments. 

You create a project each time an assignment is issued. You can set a specific time to complete the project. The app allows you to view other projects within the same timeline. You can move projects around based on urgency. With a planner, you will never be surprised by a looming deadline or unfinished work. 


5. RefMe


Academic work demands strict referencing and citation. RefMe will ensure that the citations are accurate and consistent. Once you enter the details of the reference material, you choose the formatting style for which you want a citation or reference to be generated. 

RefMe is a free platform. It is one of the most trusted citation platforms. With accurate citation, you will improve the quality of your writing


6. StudyBlue


Studying and revision require a different approach for each subject. Individuals also have unique study methods. StudyBlue helps you to craft a personalized study plan using flashcards. The cards help you to memorize complex ideas and topics. With personalized flashcards, revision and exams will be easier to tackle. 


7. Mint


Finances affect your college experience. Mint helps you to manage your money by entering every expense and income. You avoid running broke before the semester end. You will also learn to manage finances while still in college. 

Install apps that change your college experience. Whether it is writing, editing, or time management, you will enjoy your time in college and fulfill your primary responsibility. These apps make your phone a more valuable college gadget.