Most people like to take a souvenir or two back from holiday, both as gifts for friends and family as well as to remember the time and experiences yourself. If you’ve got a lot to take back though, a simpler way could be to send some things by post.

Thanks to the increasing speed and reliability of parcel delivery, it’s now easier than ever to send items back home from your time abroad, whether travelling or on holiday. This avoids you having to carry large and lots of small items around with you, and these are some of the craziest ideas what you could post back. 

Coconuts and Other Foods

No matter where in the world you go, you’re bound to experience some new cultural delight. Even though you can now get the majority of world foods either imported or sometimes find them in your local supermarket, sending back direct from the source feels a lot more authentic. It could be spices from India or dried fish from the Mediterranean, as you might struggle to send back anything too fresh.

Coconuts can be a good option, as they’re relatively hard-wearing and should be able to survive a long flight without going off. Plus, if you’ve picked one or two yourself then it can hold some extra sentimental value. You might not even want to eat it in the end.

Clothes and Footwear

Sending back some traditional clothes can be a great way to remember your trip. While there will be plenty you wear on your travels, if you’ve got a tailored suit made in Vietnam or bought a few dresses for your friend back home, it will be easier to send them directly rather than cram into a suitcase. 

This way they are less likely to get damaged or creased beyond belief too. Footwear such as flip flops, big winter boots and more can also be sent back, depending on where you go. 

Statues and Trinkets

Sometimes you see something and just know you’ve got to have it. This can be the case when you spot a beautiful statue, large grandfather clock or something else that’s going to be cumbersome to transport. In many places though, they will advertise and offer shipping to many countries. You could come across the perfect garden ornament and not want to miss it, allowing you to transport a part of your experience and the country you’re visiting back home permanently. 

Send Before You Go 

Alternatively, you might want to post some items to your destination beforehand if you can’t live without them but worry you won’t have enough room in your suitcase. One survey found that 42% of Brits admit to packing teabags to take on holiday with them, but you could post these ahead of your trip. A few other examples of strange items people take on holiday that you could send include:

  • An umbrella
  • Biscuits
  • Cutlery
  • Cheese
  • A kite
  • Toilet and bathroom cleaner
  • Union Jack flags

Thanks to international parcel delivery it’s now possible to send pretty much anything you come across on your travels back home with ease.