Accidents happen, and of that, there’s no doubt. The world is fast-paced, and people are rushing to get from A to B. Road accidents and injuries often lead to severe head and brain trauma. 

After a collision or accident, you may not always be aware you have sustained a brain injury. Outwardly, you may seem fine, but brain injuries are serious, and you may be entitled to compensation, as a severe brain injury can lead to long-term loss of income and negatively affect your quality of life. 

Signs of a Brain Injury

Knowing what signs to look for can help you decide whether you should see a specialist physician to help diagnose a brain injury after an accident. Some signs to look for include:

  • Sleep deprivation or insomnia  
  • Headaches, ear aches, and nausea 
  • Severe fatigue 
  • Blurred vision 
  • Loss of coordination 
  • Mental fog
  • Difficulty concentrating 
  • Balance issues 

Types of Brain Injuries 

The human brain can sustain injury from various sources, not just impact-related trauma. Knowing what caused your brain injury will help you decide what action to take. If your brain injury results from neglect by another party, such as a car accident or a faulty air hose in your car that filled the cabin with carbon monoxide, you should take legal action. 

Here are a few of the common brain injuries that result from external influences:

  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI): Caused by impact or external physical trauma.
  • Mild head injury (MHI): Concussive force that causes temporary damage, such as suffering whiplash when your Uber driver brakes suddenly.
  • Brain aneurysm: This can result from biological causes and increased pressure, such as when you wrestle at the gym and suffer excessive cranial pressure due to reckless handling. 
  • Brain hemorrhage: Usually from bleeding in the brain due to an aneurysm rupturing or blunt force trauma from being hit in the head. This can happen while practicing a sport or from objects falling on your head.
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning: When exposed to excessive levels of carbon monoxide, your brain can suffer a loss of oxygen and become hypoxic, which can cause brain damage. A leak of exhaust fumes into your car can cause this.

How Brain Injuries Affect Your Quality of Life

A brain injury may not have outwardly visible effects, but it can severely affect your quality of life. If it’s a permanent or degenerative condition, you will suffer for the rest of your life. It can cause you to no longer be able to work, affecting your and your family’s financial future. 

Severe brain injuries require specialist treatment and rehabilitation, and if you suffer from this condition due to external influences, you should receive financial aid to help you adjust and heal. 

Knowing when to get a brain injury lawyer to help you determine whether you should pursue legal action is vital. 

When to Get a Lawyer

Often, when you’ve suffered a brain injury (or any other injury) due to the negligence of another person or business, you may find they’ll try to settle by paying as little in compensation as possible. Knowing whether this amount is enough to sustain you for the rest of your life can be challenging. Are they paying enough to ensure you don’t lose out in life? 

Your specialist lawyer can help you decide whether you have been offered fair compensation. In the legal world, the settlement amounts of previous disability cases determine what you can potentially receive as compensation. Having a lawyer who will represent you will help you decide whether to accept an offer.