Let’s say you’ve decided to open your online Shopify store. What if you were able to achieve success in a couple of months? Some newbies think that at this stage, there is no need to worry as a positive reputation will allow their business to grow. 

But is it so? The problem is that many scammers illegally increase their positive reviews, which casts doubt on other people’s honesty. As a result, potential buyers don’t know who to trust. So this is why you should look at the best product review apps and pick a tool to prove your honesty.

Fera Product Reviews

You can add Fera as a widget that groups testimonials, customer photos, and even videos. The app can send emails to check the content and collect media files automatically. Plus, you can offer bonuses to customers who leave reviews. The application contains options for accumulating cashback, loyalty points, or discounts. But the main plus is the ability to fine-tune each parameter and an affordable price. 

Even students can buy this app and improve their store conversions. But if you need more features, then you have to spend a lot. So this is why students should tell someone, “Do my essay for me cheap.” Then, when you have more time, you can work in the evenings to save money on subscriptions.


This application is suitable for beginners who want to try free options and send many requests weekly. The plus is that you can easily manage your media content, displaying customers’ opinions about your store and the overall level of service. However, the free version has many limitations, so you will have to think about a monthly subscription. However, if money is not a problem for you, the application will customize requests and process all reviews faster.


And here is one of the most feature-rich applications, supporting up to 10 widgets and SMS notifications for customers. In addition to free options for organizing content, you can post photos and videos to motivate potential customers. Another plus is the ability to customize the reward system for the user activity. In addition, the settings menu is quite convenient so that you do not have to spend a lot of time looking for important functions.


Here’s another app that can be your guide to the world of digital rankings. Like all previous software products, Loox allows you to send requests for reviews, organize media content and sort all data by folders and galleries. The only drawback is the limited functionality. For example, you will not be able to add video reviews. In addition, the free version is nothing more than a demonstration of potential capabilities and not a full-fledged tool.

Shopify Reviews

If you are a beginner and need minimum customization, then Shopify Reviews is a great option as a test app. This digital product can reflect the opinion of your customers about the purchased products. A user-friendly interface will allow beginners to import reviews and confirm their decency. Unfortunately, the application’s functionality is limited, so you can only use CSV files with reviews.

Why Are Those Apps So Important?

The thing is, Shopify is a giant project, and new sellers create stores here every day. Imagine that you have become one of the millions of people who decide to sell a certain category of goods. How can you stand out from the crowd? Can people trust stores without reviews? You have a long way to go to become popular. In addition, many potential customers would like to be convinced of the authenticity of your rating. That’s why you need apps to organize and display your ratings and reviews.

Are All Applications the Same?

Each application is different in terms of design, functionality, and cost. You will have to choose between comfort, customizable reviews, and price. Free apps are only suitable for beginners because you can only make a couple of settings for your store. 

But it would help if you also didn’t overpay for options you won’t be using in the next couple of years. Choose a compromise option that will allow you to follow all your plans. Then you can surely feel the benefit of reviews. Don’t be afraid to make a mistake in the initial stages. Any widget can be removed from your store, and you can pick another one.

Final Words

So, all of the above applications are perfect for beginners and those who have already achieved success and have received real reviews. Your task is to choose an excellent software product that suits you best. Take your time and define a list of your needs. Then the process of searching for applications will not be exhausting for you. Compare the prices and features of each widget and the prospects that await you if you add media content that confirms your honesty.