How can you maximise your business efficiency?

What role does your IT Infrastructure play in your day-to-day operations?

Are you losing money because of an inefficient IT infrastructure?

All questions that business owners face as the innovation, evolution and implementation of technology gathers pace across the global business landscape.

How can a company keep up with these rapid changes and ensure that systems, networks, infrastructure and practices are streamlined and optimised at all times?

It can feel like a never ending task, but in reality, with the right support and advice, some simple changes to the role that your digital infrastructure plays within your company can have huge, positive ripple effects across your entire organisation. Leading to more streamlined workflows, better and more efficient business practices and ultimately to increased revenue and profits.

What Role Does Your IT Infrastructure Play?

The IT infrastructure of a company is the central nervous system of operations. Essential to the successful completion of daily tasks for the vast percentage of modern businesses. Any organisation with some form of online activity or presence, digital communication systems or data management will have the need of an IT infrastructure.

The state and condition of that infrastructure and whether it is monitored and maintained is the key to the role it plays. Is it working efficiently and enabling streamlined communications, data access and workflows, or is it flawed, glitchy and out of date leading to expensive digital downtime, costly daily fire-fighting and unreliable communication and data management?

With a glitch-free IT infrastructure you’ll have a business that can thrive and grow. You’ll feel confident that any digital assets and data are regularly backed-up to a secure off-site location and have a sense of security that systems are running smoothly and are monitored to spot potential issues before they escalate.

If your IT infrastructure is not fit for purpose or past its best and needs a serious overhaul, your staff will be spending more time sorting out system issues and working around glitches than they do on their actual roles and responsibilities.

The vital importance and integral role of a modern, robust and well-maintained IT infrastructure cannot be overstated. It is the way to ensure your business continuity, data safety and continued business growth.

Many businesses opt for technical guidance and assistance from an IT support provider, who can ensure all software and systems are optimised and who will proactively monitor the infrastructure.

So how can you use your IT infrastructure to streamline your business operations? There are a number of ways in which your IT infrastructure can be used to optimise the work you and your team do day-to-day, making sure that the hardware and software you’ve invested in works for you, not against you.

You may have an in-house IT department who can act on some or all of the points below, alternatively you can explore the benefits of employing a dedicated IT support company to implement a stronger and more efficient digital infrastructure that benefits you more long term and helps to futureproof your organisation.

5 Ways your IT Infrastructure Can Maximise Your Efficiency

1. Build on A Strong Foundation – Get the essentials right and you’ll be off to a flying start. Your IT infrastructure should support the work you do not get in the way of daily tasks and workflows. Working out what systems you need and those which are surplus to requirement, can help your team to work smarter not harder and reduce the need for them to be familiar with unnecessary software and practices.

2. Clear Procedures and Protocols – If everyone within your company is clear on the function and importance of essential protocols including those for communication systems, data backups and cybersecurity, you’ll have a team who are naturally optimising their own use of the company’s IT infrastructure.

3. Future Planning – Sometimes referred to as Capacity Planning, this strategy looks to the future of the business and explores what changes will need to be made to the company’s IT needs and infrastructure to ensure operations continue to be maximised.

4. Regular Monitoring – The on-going monitoring of your systems is an essential step to securing business continuity and issue-free running. Many IT support companies offer regular monitoring of digital infrastructures as standard and can help you spot and resolve potential problems before they negatively impact your operations and profits.

5. Evaluate, Assess and Plan – Crucial information on the performance and functionality of your digital systems, IT infrastructure, cybersecurity and communication systems should be coming from your team. Regular user generated feedback will be one of your most powerful tools and resources and can be used to resolve issues, streamline operations and optimise your IT.

Final Thoughts

By exploring the impact of the actions outlined above, you’ll start making some clear and defined progress towards optimising the role your IT infrastructure plays in supporting your business operations.

Some companies who already have in-house IT support have benefited greatly from bringing an external IT support company onboard to specifically look at their current systems and infrastructure. These specialists will be able to find any flaws and vulnerabilities, then create more streamlined processes and identify any efficiencies that can be made.

If you think an IT support provider (often referred to as a Managed Support Provider or MSP) might be able to help you improve your IT infrastructure, you can do some research to find a reputable and experienced IT support provider in your area.

Ask for recommendations from other local businesses and then try a keyword search to get some names of organisations to find out what they offer. For example, try IT Infrastructure Support between Plymouth and Exeter or IT Support Provider Devon to find an expert IT company near you.

You can talk them through your current IT set-up and they will be able to assess your needs and make recommendations based on your ongoing operations and your future plans. Before long you’ll have an infrastructure operating at maximum efficiency, giving you and your team more time to grow your business.