If you decide to bring a credit card along with you while traveling, there are some things to keep in mind. I’m not going to recommend any specific card, because there are too many factors in one being accepted i.e. credit history, income, etc. and the fact that not all cards are available to everyone in every country.
The main reason I bring a credit card for traveling is to not have to worry about foreign currencies and doing calculations in my head all the time (I’m horrible at math!). The world is progressing pretty rapidly and credit and debit cards are accepted almost everywhere these days.
It’s important to is to compare credit cards online first before signing up for one because there are countless different benefits, rewards and stipulations to keep in mind. Here are a few things to look out for.
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1. Annual Fee
There are plenty of quality cards out there that don’t have an annual fee, but, the ones that do usually have the best rewards. Many cards will waive their annual fee for the first year with you still being able to take advantage of the benefits like a free round trip flight or a certain amount of points. You can always cancel after the first year if the fee is too much for you.
2. Rewards
I’ve noticed that the best credit card rewards available aren’t necessarily the credit cards from airlines and travel related companies that offer points. There are often all sorts of black out dates that make retrieving your hard earned rewards more of a nuisance than a perk. I prefer credit cards that offer cash back instead, that way you can really scope out your own travel deals and buy them whenever you want. And if you don’t want to use the cash back on booking flights or hotels, hell, it’s cash, save it for your next trip!
3. Additional Fees and Rules
Probably the most important thing to keep in mind when getting a credit card for traveling is to see what kind of fees there are for let’s say, getting a cash advance (in an emergency situation) or if there are foreign transaction fees. You’re almost always going to be hit for taking out cash with a credit card, but many cards have significantly less charges especially from USD to PHP. Some cards also offer no currency conversion or foreign transaction fees so you can use your card like you would at home, score! I’m not even going to get into APR and interest rates because hopefully you’re responsible and those don’t even matter! Just use your card like a debit card and pay it off every month, worst thing you could do for yourself is to live outside your means and run into debt, trust me.
I hope these few tips offer a better idea into choosing the right credit card for traveling and good luck!