Knowing How to access all your info online while traveling can help your trip to be trouble free

While most people travel to relax and unwind, it is undeniable the internet has interwoven itself into our daily lives.

Many travelers access the web on their downtime to upload photos, interact with family, or relax while watching the latest YouTube videos.

However, getting on the internet while traveling comes with its own unique set of issues. In this post, we’ll discuss solutions to problems you might encounter while away from home.

Download a VPN before leaving home

First, you need to be aware that various governments around the world impose access restrictions on internet access.

For example, the military junta in Thailand block sites that defame the monarchy. Also, the Erdogan administration in Turkey blocks social media sites when protests flare up, and recently, they permanently blocked citizens from accessing Wikipedia.

We haven’t even mentioned the 800 lb gorilla in the room – China. This country is well-known for employing the world’s most extensive firewall, blocking thousands of sites they deem to be subversive.

Losing access to your favorite sites while on holiday can be a real bummer, making it important for you to download a VPN before leaving home.

Don’t wait until you are at your destination to do this, as many regressive regimes also block the most common VPN sites, making it near impossible to buy access to a reliable service.

If you are having a hard time one, there are many expressvpn review online that sing the praises of this service, so at the very least, going with them would be far better than being locked out of your favorite sites while abroad.

Sign up for an account with a cloud storage provider

Next, you’ll want to secure some storage space on the web so you’ll have a place to keep important documents.

If (God forbid) something happens to your passport while in transit, having a scanned copy stored on a service like Dropbox or Google Drive can save your bacon.

Another advantage is the photo storage capacity they provide. By uploading your photos to the cloud, you won’t have to worry about lugging around a laptop or an expensive external hard drive to accomplish this objective.

Only use secure connections to access the web

While traveling, you will be constantly hunting for wi-fi hot spots so you can look for directions, read restaurant reviews, or upload photos to your social media accounts.

In the process of doing this, though, you’ll need to exercise caution as many networks are set up by criminals hoping to capture the usernames and passwords of unsuspecting individuals.

In virtually all cases, these rogue connection points are open wi-fi hotspots that don’t require a password for use.

Once you sign in, the bad guy uses sniffer software to capture all unencrypted packets being sent to and from the connection point.

If you need internet access on the go, always opt for a secure connection (denoted by a lock or the lack of a caution symbol on the network icon). Better yet, get a local SIM card and buy a tourist package, as this will give you secure connectivity wherever you go.